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Template for FOI requests concerning Julian's radio

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Dear Sir/Madam,

Re Australian editor, publisher, journalist Mr Julian Paul Assange (DOB 03.07.1971), detainee on remand at HMP Belmarsh (Prisoner no: A9379AY)


It has come to the attention of the public that Mr Julian Paul Assange (“Mr Assange”) has sought to obtain his own personal radio, through all proper channels available to him under the law, and that all attempts to that end have been frustrated.


I am thus writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("FOIA") to request all information in the possession, custody or control of Belmarsh prison and/or, where appropriate, any other authority (“the Authorities”), regarding the following:


  1. All requests and complaints made by Mr Assange (and/or on his behalf) in respect of him possessing his own radio, in his cell, for his exclusive use and enjoyment.

  2. All information showing all efforts and actions taken by the Authorities to procure and deliver said radio to Mr Assange.

  3. All refusals or denials regarding Mr Assange’s requests for his own radio.

  4. All reasons for such refusals or denials.

  5. Information as to whether the “Nelson Mandela Rules” are implemented in Belmarsh prison, in particular in respect of Mr Assange.

As the Belmarsh website states that “Belmarsh is committed to providing a safe and educational environment”, I highlight the last item in my request (i.e., as to whether the “Nelson Mandela Rules” are implemented in Belmarsh prison) NB: see under the heading “Life at Belmarsh").


Furthermore, my FOI request includes the following:

I ask that the electronic management system of the Authorities be interrogated using the terms “Julian Paul Assange Prisoner A9379AY”, together or separately, in relation to said radio.
I seek a copy of the results that are generated by these searches, sorted by date for each report.

Please provide the information in digital form via email.


Any refusal notice under the FOIA needs to explain exactly which exemption is engaged and why.

The information requested is not ‘Special category data’ (i.e., personal data about an individual’s race, ethnic origin, politics, religion, trade union membership, genetics, biometrics etc --see Article 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR")).

The information in question is innocuous (about a radio and the application of the Nelson Mandela Prison rules). The general need for transparency regarding public bodies (such as Belmarsh) constitutes a sufficiently pressing public interest in transparency about the issues the information relates to. The fact that other methods of scrutiny are available does not in itself weaken the public interest in disclosure.


If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.


If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request, my details are outlined below.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.



Yours faithfully,





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